THE TIME IS NOW!Should you wait until rates significantly trend down to buy?
If you do, you might be doing yourself an injustice. Let me explain why.
With the rates high, the pool of people willing to buy is much lower than when rates are lower.
Why does that matter? As a homebuyer, you’ll be competing against other homebuyers gunning for the same properties you’ll want to buy. The more competition, the sweeter the offers to the sellers of the house. The more competition there is, the less you’ll be able to negotiate.
For example check out the graph below showing sales with seller concessions. (seller concessions is a negotiable amount you can ask from the seller of the home to pay for some, or all of your closing costs. This can save you THOUSANDS out of pocket to buy.)

In the end, there are few arguments out there that actually prove now is a bad time to buy. Besides, you’re never stuck in a loan. Prepayment Penalties are a thing of the past, so as soon as rates drop, you can refinance and get out of the higher rate mortgage.
If you’d like a free, NO OBLIGATION mortgage review, I’d be happy to help. |